The Best Values Come with Workforce Housing

These days, everyone wants to live in Valpo’s downtown. But with tremendous demand for living in this award-winning downtown, the cost of renting an apartment near all the restaurants and events has escalated beyond the budget of most middle-income professionals and workers. That all changed when Downtown East Apartments made a move to offering affordable downtown housing for everyone! Often described as “Workforce Housing,” these ultra-modern apartments have become the place to live in the Vale of Paradise.
But there’s a mystery surrounding these apartments. What is a “Workforce Apartment?” How can hard-working people afford to live in a location with amenities normally reserved for the affluent?
Today, we demystify the secrets to Valpo’s best place to live for year-round fun. You’ll discover what is required to qualify to live in these newly renovated apartments. Naturally, individuals including police officers, teachers, and restaurant workers are now living in Valparaiso’s best location. You’ll also learn why the best value comes with workforce housing.

A Great Community Needs Quality Housing for the Next Generation of Young Professionals
According to the article, Uptown Makes Valpo the Best Place to Live: “A great community needs quality housing for the next generation of young professionals. Tomorrow’s rockstars want to start their careers in a community that has great restaurants, entertainment, and endless things to do. Having the right apartments in conjunction with the workforce programs means Valpo’s community can attract decent people and secure its future.”
“The best way for a community to avoid driving on cruise control and running on fumes is to keep moving forward. With quality apartments like Uptown East, and its sister, Downtown East, our next generation will thrive as a great community with endless things to do.” The diversity of having a luxurious apartment like Uptown within the same area as Downtown East, Valparaiso benefits from a seamless community. By contrast, when a community lacks a middle class, the barriers of exclusion begin to divide the community.
Downtown East and its huge renovation project offer middle-income professionals and workers a high standard of living and improved quality of life. Valpo’s freshest apartments come with the values of income-restriction benefits. Valpo’s ability to attract the best teachers, police officers, and restaurant workers hinges on having affordable housing!

What is Workforce Housing?
In many cities like Valparaiso, it has become challenging for middle-income professionals and workers to rent nice apartments in the community where they work. This is partly due to wages not keeping up with increasing costs of living. But is also due to the limited supply of housing affordable to these workers. Increased demand for living near Valparaiso’s downtown and its award-winning restaurants has compounded the problem.
Historically, Valparaiso’s downtown residents have been primarily middle-income. Yet the recent shift in Valpo’s demographics has caused dramatic increases in the cost of living downtown and throughout Valparaiso.
Let’s face it, Valparaiso’s previous generations would not have been able to afford to live in the modern Vale of Paradise. There is a popular phrase in Valpo coined by the late great Ric Frataccia: “We stand on the shoulders of those that came before us.” Without middle-income housing, Valpo would not have the previous generations that established the foundation for this award-winning community.
Workforce Housing vs Income Restricted Apartments
I work full time, but it isn't a workforce program... can I live in Downtown East?
Downtown East was developed as a means of supporting Valparaiso’s middle-income professionals, such as healthcare workers, firefighters, police officers, and other significant community members.
While Downtown East was developed to support middle-income professionals and workers—such as those enrolled in Workforce Programs—qualifying to live in this ultra-modern apartment isn’t exclusive to Workforce professionals and workers. Restaurant workers, retail clerks, and other income-restricted workers are welcome to apply. Not everyone will qualify to live in Valparaiso’s newest, freshest downtown apartments. To learn if you qualify, give Downtown East a call or text at (219) 300-7526 and a leasing agent will walk you through the qualification and application process.
In short, Downtown East Apartments are available to anyone that qualifies for income restrictions, and meets Downtown East’s Rental Guidelines. However, with shortages of Workforce Housing opportunities, Downtown East is especially needed to meet the growing need for Valpo’s middle-income workforce citizens. Due to the immense demand for affordable housing and limited public resources, Downtown East is built to keep up with the demand. The government is engaging the private sector to develop affordable housing developments like Downtown East.
Looking for a Job? Downtown East can Help!
As a member of the Valparaiso Restaurant Group, Downtown East and Uptown East are partners with the Valpo Restaurants. Our residents earn VIP benefits, such as outdoor dining events, and resident appreciation dinners.
But living so close to the Valpo Restaurants also means you can live within walking distance when you work at one of these restaurants. Looking for a job? Check out the Valparaiso Restaurants “Jobs Page.” Tell them you live in Downtown East—they love us!